Duets and Collaboration
One of my biggest passions in music is collaboration. This may be with other singers or other instruments. For me, making music with others is the reason why I started singing. Nothing feels better than when harmony locks in, and all the musicians are telling a story together.
Stephano Denaudy - Amor S’apprende with Zoe Catchpoole (Soprano)
Accompanied by Hilary Jones
Love takes hold more swiftly of the heart That is more on guard against love. Because my heart was betrayed by its Thyrsis, I swore to offer its servitude no longer. Against bewitching glances, I said, I'll arm myself With uniform arrows, and surely I will triumph! Love takes hold more swiftly of the heart That is more on guard against love. But I saw Phyllis, and at once every virtue left me!... I saw Amaryllis, and I no longer knew how to conquer! Now however many more I see, I become crazy about them all; At first I had one torment, now I have a hundred! Love takes hold more swiftly of the heart That is more on guard against love.
G.F Handel - Thither Let our Hearts Asprie with Erin Power (Soprano)
Accompanied by John Woods